Questions & Answers

  • Why outsource your billing?
    It's a Matter of Economics! Over the last decade or so, medical providers have become buried in paper while it has become more and more difficult to get paid for their services. Today every provider faces the potential of getting paid less for more work. With Xpert Medical Billing LLC managing your revenue cycle, you can reduce your billing cost, helping you improve your bottom line.
  • What makes Xpert Medical Billing LLC different?
    We are the solution that healthcare providers turn to for plugging the revenue leakage problem that plagues their practices. As healthcare providers face ever increasing cost and revenue pressures. Nobody reverses revenue leakage faster or better than we do. We can deliver substantial cost savings as well as significant improvements in revenue and cash flow.
  • Do you assist your clients with Medicare Provider Revalidation and Medicare Audits?
    Yes, we can help process client's Medicare Revalidation Applications. We also offer our clients a free review of their documentations when responding to Medicare or any audit requests.
  • What does Xpert Medical Billing LLC do with all the paper it receives?
    Over 96% of our clients now send data electronically. However, any paper documents sent to Xpert Medical Billing are scanned into digital files within 24 hours for processing. All paper is then either returned to the client or shredded.
  • Will Xpert Medical Billing LLC perform a strategic analysis of our billing process?
    Yes, Xpert Medical Billing will provide a detailed analysis of charge practices to determine your deficiencies. We then recommend changes to your billing process (Charge forms, etc.) to ensure prompt payment.
  • Does Xpert Medical Billing LLC handle all the steps of the billing process for us?
    Yes. Xpert Medical Billing LLC receives the required data from your office and handles the rest: From billing insurance and patients, answering patient questions, to final resolution of each account.